Family planning allows people to attain their desired number of children and determine the spacing of pregnancies. It is achieved through use of contraceptive methods and the treatment of infertility (this fact sheet focuses on contraception).
Benefits of family planning / contraception
Promotion of family planning – and ensuring access to preferred contraceptive methods for women and couples – is essential to securing the well-being and autonomy of women, while supporting the health and development of communities.

Birth control of family planning:
- Withdrawal method: by this method the man pulls his penis out of the woman vagina before the ejaculation of spermatozoa occurs.
- Rhythm method or safe period: this involves the calculation of safe periods for each woman. To avoid getting pregnant, a woman should not have sex with a man during the fertile days.
- Use of condom (sheath): this is a rubber sheath which the man wears over the penis before sexual intercourse. When he ejaculates spermatozoa, they are collected within the condom thereby preventing them from entering into the vagina of the female.
- Cap (diaphragm): this is a rubber protective cap worn by women. It is inserted into the vagina so as the prevent spermatozoa from entering the inters and into the Fallopian tube where they may bring about fertilization of the ovum.
- Spermicidal cream or tablet: is one that kills spermatozoa, a woman applies such cream or tablet right inside the vagina 5-10 minutes before sexual intercourse.
- Inter-uterine device (IUD): this may be a metal or plastic coil or loop that is inserted into the uterus of the woman.
- Contraceptive pill: this a tablet that is taken daily by a woman. The pill contains hormones that prevent ovulation or the release of an egg from the ovary.
- Injection: an injection is usually given to the woman every three or six month’s intervals.
- Sterilization: is done by couples who don’t want more children. It is an irreversible birth control other words, once it is done, one can to reverse it.
- Abstinence: this when both the male and female stay way completely from having sex.
First it is very important that the mother, and her partner, make a well informed decision. Condoms are of course a good choice. However, if she wants a more reliable method, then an IUD can be inserted immediately after the delivery of the placenta. Due to the position of the uterus immediately post partum and due to the relative weakness of the uterine wall, the insertion must be done by someone who knows the risks and preferably has received special training. Although the WHO advises to wait for six weeks with hormonal contraception, it is now well known, that estrogen free hormonal methods can safely be used, directly post partum and even when breastfeeding. So most experts now agree that a contraceptive implant, an estrogen free pill (POP) or a progestin loaded IUD are also excellent choices.Accordion Sample Description
First: A pill cycle (or a Nuvaring cycle, or a contraceptive patch cycle) is an artificial cycle. There is no oocyte maturation, and therefore no risk of pregnancy if a woman forgets pill number 10, 11 or 12 of the "cycle".
Secondly: Forgetting pills at the beginning or the end of the pill strip is much more risky, since that lengthens the pill free interval! In case a pill in the beginning of the strip is forgotten, the woman or the man should use additional contraception during at least seven days. In case a pill at the end of the strip is forgotten, the woman should start the next pill after a normal pill-free interval. So if she forgets pill 20 and 21 of a 21 days strip, she should start the new strip seven days after the last pill she took.Accordion Sample Description
It is important for every sexually active adult to consider and discuss family planning, or birth control issues . This is not only for the purpose of preventing unwanted pregnancies, but also to plan the timing of conception for wanted pregnancies. In this way, every baby can be wanted and planned for. The spacing between siblings is also important and can be regulated through appropriate planning. In bygone eras birth control options were severely limited, and couples could expect to keep on conceiving children throughout their fertile years, possibly up to twelve or even fifteen pregnancies! However, now that there have been such advances in this area, the importance of family planning is that it gives couples the opportunity to exercise their responsibility and choices in this significant area of their life.
Importance of family planning
When you plan your family carefully, taking into consideration how many children you would like and how far apart you would like them to be, there are definite advantages. Firstly, there are health benefits for both mother and child. If children are spaced at least two or more years apart, this gives the mother’s body time to recover before going through another pregnancy, and she is better able to care for each individual child in
Some of the key family planning questions are understanding the disadvantages of family planning. questions Depending on what method of family planning you use, there may be a few disadvantages to take into consideration where so called side effects are concerned. This is especially true when using hormonal birth control such as the contraceptive pills or injections, implants, patches or vaginal rings. Although many women use these methods happily with no ill effects at all, for some women there may be some noticeable complications or adverse reactions. The most common of these may include weight gain, dizziness, nausea and headaches. In more serious cases, which rarely occur, there may be strokes, blood clots or ectopic pregnancies. After reading that, you may be thinking that the best option is the natural family planning method (more on that later). It is true that this method gives no side effects, but bear in mind that it is only about 75% effective, so you would have at least a 25% chance of having an “unplanned” pregnancy.